to Personally Hand Out to All Your Friends and Family
Step 2 – Set the Dress Code
80's Of Course!
Step 3 - Create a Fun Photo Booth
with Props and a Themed Polaroid Frame
Step 4 - Provide a Candy Bar
Use Candy Created in the 80’s and Records Cake Stands Airheads, Runts, Bubble Tape Original Flavor, Gummi Worms, Nerds, Skittles, Skor, Twix Peanut Butter, Cow Tales, Chupa Cups Cremosa
Step 5 – Provide a Flashback of Games Created in the 80’s Nintendo Entertainment System, Big Piano, Jenga, Trivial Pursuit, Pictionary, Taboo, Game Boy, Sega Genesis
Step 6 - Karaoke
Because it's Karaoke
Step 7 – Guess the Number of Nerds
Win a Prize! Prizes: 80’s Movies in DVD Format - Top Gun, Goonies, ET, Ghostbusters
Step 8 - Provide Beer and Food
duh Biggest hit were the pizza rolls, but also offered spinach dip, 7 layer dip, sloppy joes, and cool ranch Doritos
Step 9 - Enjoy Your Totally Awesome Party!
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