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Showing posts from January 17, 2016

Running Through Life

A friend asked me to run a marathon with her. In December. 11 months away. Uff-da. That’s a commitment. I’m not sure my body can handle running that many miles and 26.2 miles isn’t something that you can mentally push through to make it to the finish line. Training would be required. Lots of training. Weekly long runs. Daily short runs of 4-10 miles. I’ve run 2 half marathons but I never ran more than 6 miles while training and only did that once each time. Ideally, I’d like to run it under 4 hours, so I would need to maintain a pace of 9 mins and 16 seconds for 26.2 miles. For that, I would need to train and run at least 4 times per week (if not 5). Add in two days of weight lifting, some yoga, a few soccer games, and perhaps this marathon business is possible. There’s also a half marathon on September 10 at Smoky Mountain National Park. That would be a fun way to explore the park. The course is on a slight uphill elevation (200 ft) so that works out in our favor. Beautiful