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Christmas Letter 2018

Hello Beautiful, Amazing, Wonderful People! 

As 2018 comes to a close, I’m so thankful to those who’ve supported me over the last year. 2018 was a huge transition year for me. I entered it uncertain what the year would bring, where I would travel, who I would meet, even where I would be sleeping. Twelve months later, I’ve moved back to the city of my teen years, started a business, and am filled with a sense of rightness and jubilation.

Many, many thanks to those who let me crash at their place when my life was filled with uncertainty. To those who sat down with me to talk out my business plan or brainstorm ideas.  To the remarkable people who frequently inquired about my progress and to those who have been praying for me. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Today, we took my Aunt and Uncle to tour Galveston. On the drive home, my mom, Aunt, and I sang Christmas carols at the top of our lungs. Before you picture beautiful harmony, let me explain that on a scale of 1 makes dogs howl and 10 is Kelly Clarkson/Celine Dion caliber, we were at best a 1, quite possibly worse. Many times I met my dad’s pained look in the rear view mirror. But we ladies enjoyed the silliness of high pitches, deep voices, and giggles. Now, as I type this, I’m listening to my Aunt ready the dominoes for Mexican Train, my dad and uncle discuss a stupendous play by Oakland, while my mom has disappeared into the office, most likely putting together yet another Christmas surprise for us. The official celebration of Christmas will take place on Wednesday when my bro, SIL, nephews, Aunt and Sam arrive, but in the meantime, there is joy tonight, and there is happiness, surrounded by family, love, and games.

A flashback of 2018's highlights:

Backpacked 10 miles into the Grand Canyon to Havasu Falls, where Amber, Daniel, Jenny and I camped for 3 nights and 4 days before hiking out (uff…da!). Everyone should do it once!

I started a business that is succeeding beyond my plans or expectations. I’m enjoying it, loving meeting new people, learning more and more with each client or class, and looking forward to future expansion.

Visited Evs and Nook in Miami and saw soooo many alligators. Ahhh, it was wonderful. Highlight of this trip was the tour to Dry Tortugas National Park (2 hour boat ride south of Key West).

Attended so many great shows: Pink! and Elton John in Dallas (ahhhh…loved it), New Orleans Jazz Fest (Aerosmith and Better Than Ezra were Ahhh-mazing), Darius Rucker & Friends in Nashville, and took Papa to see the Lion King in Little Rock.  

Mom, Dad, and I visited Mammoth Cave National Park, Great Smoky Mountains National Park and then Nashville. Tennessee has become a top 5 favorite of all places I’ve ever visited. I loved all the green and water and bears. Will definitely return and you should visit too!

In January, I am flying to Iceland and Norway! I’m nervous about the “true winter” experience, but thrilled to visit the home of my ancestors (Norway) and hopefully see the Northern Lights. In July, our side of the family is hosting the Thompson Reunion … returning to our roots on the Minnesota Lakes. Other than that, no trips, no plans, but I have no doubt that’ll change as time passes. ;)

I wish for you peace, joy, and happiness this holiday season and throughout 2019!

On to Mexican Train I go.




  1. Merry Christmas Stephanie, have a fabulous time in Europe!! Love to all😘


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