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USA Exploration

It's happening again, I'm feeling the urge to uproot my life and travel. This time the USA is calling to me. I envision State Parks and National Monuments, friends meeting me in random cities, hundreds of beautiful sunsets, and the time to explore my innermost thoughts, delve into writing full time, and discover America’s historical cities and landmarks.

Money is saved but I will most likely supplement my savings with random jobs (did you know that you can work for a week or so on a farm and they’ll provide you with free room and board, while teaching you about organic farming?). Perhaps I will write a few articles to sell to travel magazines/websites. Or maybe my network of family/friends is broad enough that a couch/spare bedroom will be available in each city that I choose to visit.

I’m a firm believer in planning and knowing what will happen next. When I planned this trip for a friend and me to take after college, I had the route, stops, and mileage written down and the sheets laminated. Today? I don’t believe I’m going to plan in detail. Perhaps a few dates so friends/family will be able to join me, but the majority of this trip will be spur of the moment, leaving when I feel like leaving, staying if I’m enjoying myself and the people around me.

I have a ton of research to complete regarding ways to save money on gas, the best places to visit, the safest places for a female, how to couch surf, finding the best rates for AirBNB’s, how to travel and eat nutritiously, and various exercises to complete in a parking lot or a small bedroom. My car needs to be inspected, my self-defense skills brushed up, feelers put out to various people that live around the USA, and my parents convinced that this undertaking will prove to be the best adventure of my life.

My plan is to begin The Journey in September and explore for 6 months. If I haven’t figured out how to make money and keep travelling by March 2016, I’ll pick a spot to settle and try the 8-5 job again (I’m thinking life won’t bring me to that point, but who knows what will happen in six months?).

So begins Step 1: Research.

Talk to you soon!



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