Each New Year brings about change, and hope, and short term commitments of improvement. Some people carry out their New Year Resolutions (NYR); others, not even through the first week of January. With over 60% of Americans making resolutions, what do you think would be the top 5 NYR? Number 1 is easy: lose weight. Everyone wants to lose weight, tone the body, and look good for swim suit season that’s just around the corner. Number 2? According to the Statistic Brain Research Institute (hey, it sounds fancy), it’s getting organized. For me, I’m an organized machine, so this doesn’t apply. Does it apply to you? Hmm, although, I did go through my closet and hope chest on New Year’s Day and donate a bunch of clothes and stuff I refused to hold onto any longer. Number 3: Spend less, save more. Duh. We all want mo’ money. Number 4: Enjoy life to the fullest. Yes please. Any suggestions on how people achieve this one? Everyone hears how you’re supposed to live each day as if it’s...